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首页 > 学习资料 >> 英语资源 > Unit 3 It was there 在那 第二课时- 牛津小学英语六年级上教案
Unit 3 It was there 在那 第二课时- 牛津小学英语六年级上教案
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:28:01     阅读次数:397     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网



  1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.


  2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:yesterday,Sports Day, ground


  3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型It is the Sports Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?


  4.巩固句型Where’s your …? It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the … It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your …? They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the … They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.




  1. 能正确理解和使用一般过去时态。






  Where’s your …?


  It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the …


  It isn’t there now.


  It was there a moment ago.


  Where are you your …?


  They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the …


  They aren’t there now.


  They were there a moment ago.




  二.Presentation and practise:


  1. 出示课文挂图。


  T: What are they doing?


  S: They’re running.


  T: Yes, they are having a running race.


  Learn : race


  : The students are very excited.


  Learn: excited


  T: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing?


  Let’s listen to the tape.




  S: Su Hai is looking for her camera. Su Yang is helping her.


  讲解: look for意思为寻找。将之区别 find .


  2. 听课文第二段录音回答问题。


  T: What are the boys doing?


  S: They’re running.


  T: Yes.They’re having a running race. It’s very exciting.


  Learn: exciting. 将之与excited 做比较。


  T: What does Su Hai want to do?


  S: She wants to take some photos.


  拼读 take some photos




  T: Where’s Su Hai’s camera?


  S: It’s in Su Hai’s bag.


  T: Let’s see. Oh.


  Ss: It isn’t there.


  T: Yes, it was there a moment ago.






  T: Where are the films?


  S1: They’re in Su Yang’s pocket.


  S2: No. They were there a moment ago.They were there just now.


  学习just now意思为 刚才。


  5. 跟录音读对话。






  7.划出四会单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.




  划出词组: on the ground, pick up, in my pocket, Sports Day, a roll of film, a pair of glasses.再次朗读,了解意思。


  三. Assignment:


  1. 抄写四会单词,并默写。





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