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首页 > 学习资料 >> 英语资源 > Unit 5 On the farm 在农场 第二课时- 牛津小学英语六年级上教案
Unit 5 On the farm 在农场 第二课时- 牛津小学英语六年级上教案
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:28:07     阅读次数:467     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网

  Unit 5  On the farm


  4 教plant


  T: I visited Mashan.(板书)Do you know Mashan?


  T: (课件上出示一幅马山图片)This is Mashan. Is it beautiful? Do you like it?


  T: Last weekend I visited Mashan. I like it very much. I planted trees.


  教读plant, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)


  T: Plant, plant, plant trees. Plant, plant, plant flowers.(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)


  5 教pick


  T: Look, there are so many oranges. Mmm, they’re so nice. I picked oranges last weekend.


  教读pick, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)


  T: Pick, pick, pick oranges. Pick, pick, pick apples/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)


  6 教taste


  T: I take some oranges here. They are from Mashan. Taste it, please…(让几个学生尝橘子)


  T: Taste, taste, taste oranges. Taste, taste, taste pears/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)


  T: In Mashan, I tasted oranges.


  教读taste, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)


  7 操练pick, taste, plant


  a T: Let’s plant trees. OK?


  T: Plant, plant, plant trees/flowers. Pick, pick, pick oranges/….Taste, taste, taste oranges/…


  b Game: Listen and act, look and say.


  c Say a rhyme:


  We are happy


  Spring, spring,


  plant the tree.


  Summer, summer,


  water the tree.


  Autumn, autumn,


  pick the fruit.


  Winter, winter,


  taste the fruit.


  Happy, happy,


  we are happy.


  8 规则动词过去式读音及构成


  a T: Last weekend, I was very happy. What about my last weekdays from Monday to Friday? You may ask me like this ‘what did you do last Monday/…’(课件上有此句型)




  cleaned the classroom


  played the piano


  watered flowers


  listened to music


  cooked food


  watched TV


  picked oranges


  planted trees


  visited friends


  tasted apples



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