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牛津小学英语5B教案:Unit4 An English friend(第一课时)
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:28:56     阅读次数:695     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网



  1. Four skills: fast high ,Does he/she„? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


  2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly.


  3. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation.




  1. Four skills: fast high ,Does he/she„? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


  2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly.


  3. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation.




  A. Warming up


  1. Sing a song.


  2. Free talk


  B. Preparation


  1. Greetings


  2. Sing a song “Come on and join into the games”


  C. Presentation and practice 1. jump high


  a. Now, let’s do some exercise. Sun rise. Wave your arms. Shake your body. Stand up. Jump high etc. Run fast.


  b. Ask a student to jump high. (put “jump high” on the Bb) c. Read in pairs.


  2. run fast


  a. Let’s act! Run fast! (Put “run fast” on the Bb.) b. Read in pairs!


  3. speak loudly


  a. I say you do. fast→run loudly→speak


  b. Put “speak loudly” on the Bb. and read loudly. c. You say s. do. cry loudly sing loudly


  4. Teach dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly in the same way


  5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape


  6. Hand out the cards to some students, ask the others to guess.


  7. Show Ss some photos and talk about them. Does he run fast? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t .Ask Ss try to say “Does he „?”


  8. Talk about the picture in pair.


  9. Make a dialogue and act it.


  D. Consolidation Do a survey


  E. Assign homework


  1.Copy the new words three times.


  2.Listen to the tape of Unit4 three times.

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上一篇:上海版牛津小学英语:5B Module 1 语法(1)名词性物主代词