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小学英语语法大全 “行行色色”的名词所有格
发表时间:2019-10-15 17:28:48     阅读次数:673     本文编辑:嘉兴少儿/幼儿艺术培训_嘉兴中小学培训_嘉兴草屋网







  1. 一般情况在名词后加’s。例如:


  That girl’s coat is in the room. 那个女孩的衣服在房间里。


  2. 在以s结尾的名词(包括以s结尾的复数名词)后面,只加 ’。假如复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加’s。例如:


  Today is September 10th, Teachers’ Day. 今天是玄月十日,教师节。


  Children’s Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son.




  3. 表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词后加’s;假如一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加’s。例如:


  They are John’s and Kate’s rooms. How beautiful they are!




  He is Lily and Lucy’s father. 他是莉莉和露西的爸爸。


  4. 表示某人的家、店展等的所有格,一般可以省略它后面所修饰的名词。例如:


  My father and I will have dinner at the Johnson’s (home ). 我爸爸和我将要去约翰逊的家吃晚饭。


  We will have our hair cut at the barber’s(shop) tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我们要去理发店理发。


  5. 有些指时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,也可以加’s构成所有格。例如:


  There is something important in today’s news***. 今天的报纸上有一些重要的东西。


  It’s about ten minutes’ walk from school to our home every day.




  6. 英语名词所有格修饰的词,假如前面已经提到过,后面则可以省略,以防止重复。例如:


  This is not Dick’s dictionary, but is Tom’s. 这不是迪克的字典,但是是汤姆的。




  1. 表示“无生命的名词”一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系。例如:


  There is a river on the other side of the road. 在公路的另一边有一条河。


  2. 有时我们用名词 + of +名词所有格构成双重所有格的形式。例如:


  This is a photo of Mr Brown’s. 这是一张布朗先生的照片。








  1. I like reading the books.(×)  I like reading books.(√)


  2. She likes the cats.(×)  She likes cats.(√)




  1. I have lunch at the noon.(×)  I have lunch at noon.(√)


  2. We go to school by the bus.(×)  We go to school by bus.(√)




  1. I like the China.(×)  I like China.(√)


  2. Would you like a cup of the water? (×)  Would you like a cup of water?(√)




  1. Today is the Teachers’ Day. (×)   Today is Teachers’ Day.(√)


  2. He was born in the May in 1987. (×)  He was born in May in 1987. (√)




  1. Good morning, the sir!(×)    Good morning, sir! (√)


  2. I need some help, the Mummy.(×)      I need some help, Mummy.(√)


  六、定冠词不能与名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词连用。例如:


  1. This the pen is mine. (×)        This pen is mine.(√)


  2. I have the some money. (×)     I have some money. (√)




  1. We will learn the Chinese, the history and the Maths this afternoon. (×)


  We will learn Chinese, history and Maths this afternoon.(√)


  2. The English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(×)


   English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(√)




  1. She goes to school after the breakfast every morning.(×)


   She goes to school after breakfast every morning.(√)


  2. We often play the football after school. (×)


   We often play football after school. (√)

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